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Curriculum Vitae

Dawn Mitchell White

6802 Hanley Rd

Tampa, FL  33634



Phone: +1 (813) 512-1703

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Professional info​

Please look below to find information regarding my work experience and education.  A full copy of my official CV is located on the Home page.  If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Work experience
Center for Education School of the Arts and Sciences, School Principal, Music Educator, Classroom Educator Special Needs Students

​2003 - 2018

  • Created a school of the arts for students with learning disabilities, developmental disabilities, and physical disabilities

  • Developed a comprehensive curriculum that complied with the requirements of a standard diploma education in the State of Florida, while addressing the unique needs of the individual student, based in the fine arts

  • Created a fine arts curriculum that was both challenging and therapeutic.

  • Instituted a comprehensive and challenging science curriculum for students interested in pursuing the sciences.

  • Personally, have taught ALL classes below on cycled schedule within self-contained classroom or music classroom:

  • LANG ARTS: English I – English IV, Creative Writing I – IV, Speech Writing

  • MATH: General Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry

  • SOCIAL STUDIES: American History, American Government, World History, Health, Economics, Philosophy, Psychology, Music History, Art History

  • SCIENCE: Biology, Earth and Space Science, Marine Science, Physical Science, Chemistry, Anatomy and Physiology

  • SENIORS: Senior Project, Senior Seminar, Consumer Math

  • MUSIC:String Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band, Music Theater, Music Theory I – IV

  • ART:Manga Drawing, Painting: Acrylics and Watercolors

  • Performed three times annually with each ensemble: String Orchestra, Concert Band, Jazz Band and Music Theater. Over the course of fifteen years, four ensembles performing annually is equal to 150 performances, which is an incredible feat for any small school

  • Performed a Madrigal Dinner every year, which was fully catered, and included a full-sized Recorder Ensemble with period music

  • Established the Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) and maintained it for fifteen years

  • Was responsible for creating all schedules for students and teachers, maintaining school records and student cumulative files and providing all families with progress reports and report cards

  • Met with all students displaying behavior difficulties in the classroom and administered appropriate measures through a prepared system of behavior intervention system

  • Served as the School Counselor, providing all students with a confidante whenever needed, at any hour

Pepin Academies, Band Director, Music Theater & K - 5 Music

​2001 - 2003

  • Taught at two schools in the same building: Pepin Academy, for middle and high school students, and Central City Elementary School

  • Began first Elementary Music, Guitar Class, Piano Class, Concert Band and Music Theater in school’s history

  • Performed two Madrigal Dinners during two academic years

  • Performed “Fiddler on the Roof, Jr” and “Into the Woods, Jr”

  • Performed four Band Concerts

  • Both schools, with families, performed a Holiday Sing-a-long with a PowerPoint Presentation each year. Songs came from the student’s music class texts to allow for preparation in classes.

  • In 2002 – 2003 academic year, prepared another school-wide Patriotic Sing-a-long in remembrance of 9-11.

Clearwater Christian College, Bassoon Instructor

2000 - 2003

  • Recruited and Instructed Bassoon students

  • Taught Bassoon Reed-Making to Bassoon students

Hillsborough County Public Schools, K - 5 Music

​2000 - 2001

  • Taught at three elementary schools for teachers unable to teach at their schools: Hunter’s Green Elementary, Shaw Elementary and Tampa Palms Elementary.

  • Responsible for daily music education curriculum, but also for chorus, recorder ensemble, and Orff instruments.

  • During employment at Tampa Palms, taught choral students “Fiddler on the Roof, Jr” and performed it

University of Tampa, Bassoon Instructor


  • Recruited students and Instructed Bassoon Majors

  • Taught Bassoon Reed-Making to Undergraduate Bassoon Majors

  • Taught Music Appreciation Class to Non-Majors

Florida State University, Graduate Assistant


  • Woodwind Pedagogy Department with Professor Jeff Keesecker

  • Taught Undergraduate Private Instruction to Bassoon Majors

  • Taught Double Reed Instrument Class to Undergraduate Education Majors

  • Taught Bassoon Reed-Making Class to Undergraduate Bassoon Major Studio

University of South Florida, Graduate Assistant

1997 - 1999​

  • Music Theory Department with Professor Ann Hawkins

  • Taught Undergraduate Music Theory Classes

  • Helped Develop the Computerized Aural Music Theory Training and Assessment Program

Private Studio Bassoon and Oboe Instruction, Tampa, FL

1994 - 2003

  • Students were taught the mechanics of their instruments, expression, musicianship, and reed-making

  • In addition to meeting students at the studio, travelled to various local schools to assist band directors with their double reed students and sections


Music Education Research

Orchestral Conducting

Wind Conducting

Woodwind Pedagogy

Music Theory

Intro to Music

My Professors

Dr. Jennifer Bugos, music ed

Prof. Jim Burge, woodwinds

Dr. Victor Fung, music ed

Prof. Ann Hawkins, Mus Theory

Dr. Jack Heller, music ed

Prof. Jeff Keesecker, bassoon

Prof. John Kehayas, bassoon

Dr. William Ludwig, bassoon

Dr, Clint Randles, music ed

Dr. Patricia Trice, Piano & theory

Dr. William Wiedrich, conducting

University of South Florida - Tampa

2019 - present   Ph.D. MUSIC EDUCATION STUDENT


  • Cognates:  Conducting and Research Methods.

University of South Florida - Tampa



  • Cognates:  Professional Development.


University of South Florida - Tampa



  • Cognates: Bassoon and Music Theory.

University of South Florida - Tampa


  • Cognate: Bassoon

Hillsborough Community College


  • Bassoon Performance

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